Urban Studies and Design Lab

A Research Group on Urban Studies and Design at Seoul National University
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Design & Graduate Program in Urban Design
환경대학원ㆍ협동과정 도시설계연구실

“우리도 일본처럼…? 늘어나는 빈집들 왜” 한겨레신문, 2017. 2. 11.

An article published in our lab by 전영미(도시설계협동과정 박사과정) was cited in 한겨레신문 on Feb 11, 2017. The title is “우리도 일본처럼…? 늘어나는 빈집들 왜” and the link is: http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/782225.html