Urban Studies and Design Lab

A Research Group on Urban Studies and Design at Seoul National University
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Design & Graduate Program in Urban Design
환경대학원ㆍ협동과정 도시설계연구실

Journal of Urban Design, selected “Commentary Article”

도시를 연구하는 학자 인생에서 가장 기쁜 순간이 아닌가 합니다. Journal of Urban Design Vol 24, Issue 1에 쇠퇴에 대한 제 논문(Title: Design strategies to respond to the challenges of shrinking city)이 출판되었는데, 이에 대해 저널편집장이 세계적인 석학의 article commentary를 받아 같은 저널 issue에 실었습니다. 존경하는 Moudon, Pallagst, Ryan 교수 등이 직접 글을 읽고 두근..두근…학술적 의견과 추가 아이디어를 저와 독자에게 건네는 형식입니다.


몇 문장만 발췌…

“Saehoon Kim’s (2018) suggestion to articulate and promote a shrinking-sensitive urban design approach strikes me as being an excellent idea. It could lead to the development of an interesting and useful set of concepts and skills to guide future urban design thinking and practice.” – Anne Vernez Moudon, University of Washington

“…considering a range of approaches would be advisable in order to offer flexible solutions for the future development of shrinking cities, as suggested in the paper by Saehoon Kim (2018) with the strategies urban connector, place patchwork, social incubator…” – Karina Pallagst, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

“Reminding urban designers of the need to focus on people as well as form is valuable, and it is precisely this double reminder that Professor Saehoon Kim (2018) provides in his paper. Professor Kim places people before form.” – Brent D. Ryan, MIT

“Saehoon Kim(2018) has written a paper with considerable sensitivity and creativity. It is a paper that successfully combines appreciation of social factors and processes with ideas of urban design. The suggestions posed for urban design strategies are attractive and feasible…” – Marion Roberts, University of Westminster

“The loss of population in some urban and rural areas, and the deep and lasting problems that such a loss brings about, are a worldwide challenge. Therefore, it is a worthwhile undertaking to investigate the possible contributions of urban design in responding to this challenge. Saehoon Kim’s (2018) paper offers a good review of some of the existing remedies and some practical advice.” – Ali Madanipour, Newcastle University